Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reflection on Learning Week 6 - Exit Ticket

This is the final week of our 6 week reflection on learning.  This week's collaborative discussion will reflect on all of the ways that we assess whether or not students learned through the collection of exit tickets.

How do great teachers know if kids learned what they were taught?  At the end of every great lesson, teachers of excellence conclude the lesson by gathering formative data.  By reviewing what had been learned during the class period, teachers get students to share their learning with the class as well as offer questions that continue to perplex them.  This helps teachers drive tomorrow's instruction.  Additionally, no great lesson ends without showing a preview of how today’s learning will be connected to tomorrow’s lesson.  In the last few minutes of instruction, teachers assign homework to the class, follow up with individuals or groups of students with specific feedback, and collect an exit-ticket, a quick formative assessment to check for understanding.  An exit ticket is important because it can quickly tell teachers which students learned the content, which students are starting to get the hang of it, and which students did not learn the content.  This data drives not only tomorrow's instruction, but it helps teachers build intervention groups for guided learning.

Wrapping up the day’s lesson takes around 5 minutes, and in a 50 minute block of time, that makes up 10% of instruction; therefore, it is critical to bear in mind that the end of the lesson serves as a platform for tomorrow’s lesson.  The most important reason to wrap up the lesson in this way is to use the data to reflect on the learning of each student and to drive the next day’s lesson.  To put it another way, the last five minutes of class may quite possibly be the most important 5 minutes of the entire class period.

Engagement Component
RigorContentTime Frame
How are DOK 2 & 3 questions provided and responded to?What content is covered?The approximate time that the activity should take.
Exit TicketActivity that allows students to wrap up their learning and give the teacher formative assessment data to drive future instruction.Students provide evidence of learning to the teacher through independent work at the rigor of the day's instruction.Current day's content.5 minutes

Reflection Task

1 comment:

  1. I use questioning and discussion at the end of the lesson. I highlight major points. If I see a student(s) struggling or not grasping the concept, I will include it in my warm-up the next day (lesson wrapping). I also think Kahoot (game) would be a great way to engage and assess.
