Thursday, November 13, 2014

2nd Week of November

From empty room to #MakerSpace in 2 Weeks
Great job for Veronica Wilkerson

Growth Mindset

The gap between successful and unsuccessful people is the not so much talent as it is how they think. Watch this video from John Maxwell to learn more about growth mindset.

Early Release Staff Assignments (click here)

The assignments for this early release schedule have been modified some.  Please review the assignments, and remember that teams will meet from 2 - 4 p.m.

A Great 

Conversation Strategy for your Classroom

The Teaching Channel is a great resource for new ideas to enhance learning.  Here is a great 2 Minute video to illustrate how kids can have deep and structured academic conversations in the classroom on a daily basis.  CLICK HERE

Academic discourse is a proven strategy to get kids to think at DOK Level 3 or 4.  Listen to the teacher's explanation of the 4 Ls that students must use in academic discourse.  Also pay attention to how the teacher is using observation and note-taking to determine which students are learning.  I thought it was a cool idea to gather important information about your students' learning.

TIP (Tech Integration Pic) 

of the Week

 Cristi Jones, TPS computer lab teacher, uses engaging lessons that teach K-2 Technology TEKS. Below are a few things our students learned during the 2nd six weeks.

First and Second Grade
Cristi Jones helping a student

Digital Citizenship


The second six weeks they also went on a virtual field trip of the first Thanksgiving and toured the Mayflower.


They carved a pumpkin and typed a sentence using sight words. " I can see the...". They have learned how to save their work to dropbox!

Blog Post of the Week

Infographic - 6 Instructional Strategies that Stick

NEW TAB at the TOP

Check out Edshelf.  It is a tech tool that you can use to find the perfect tech tool to meet any instructional need.

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